Intentional Communities: Where Quirkiness Meets Community


For curious souls on the lookout for an alternative living experience, today, we’re looking at intentional communities—where quirkiness meets community collaboration. Starting with a few reasons why people are opting for sharing a greater sense of community, and a few places that have been successful in their efforts.

Shared Resources and Collaboration:

Intentional communities are all about sharing the love, and by love, we mean resources! Picture a place where you can share tools, vehicles, and even cooking duties with your neighbors. Need a blender? Just pop over to your friendly neighbor’s place. Craving a homemade lasagna but don’t feel like cooking? Join the communal dinner and savor the culinary delights of your talented neighbors. It’s like living in a utopian potluck feast every day!

Supportive and Tight-Knit Community:

In intentional communities, you’re not just neighbors; you’re an extended family of kindred spirits. These communities foster a strong sense of belonging, support, and camaraderie. From impromptu jam sessions to late-night philosophical discussions, you’ll find yourself surrounded by folks who cheer you on through thick and thin. Need a shoulder to cry on or a buddy for a spontaneous adventure? Look no further than your community family!

Ecological Consciousness and Sustainability:

Intentional communities often have a strong focus on eco-consciousness and sustainability. You’ll encounter communities where recycling is an art form, organic gardens thrive, and solar panels glisten under the sun. Living in harmony with nature becomes a way of life, as these communities explore innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint and embrace a greener, more sustainable future.

Learning and Growth Opportunities:

Prepare for a never-ending journey of personal growth and learning within intentional communities. These vibrant hubs are often buzzing with workshops, skill-sharing sessions, and thought-provoking discussions. Whether you want to master woodworking, explore meditation, or discover the art of kombucha brewing, there’s always an opportunity to expand your knowledge and explore new passions.

Celebrations and Festivals Galore:

Intentional communities know how to throw a party like no other! From quirky festivals to enchanting gatherings, there’s never a dull moment. Picture yourself dancing under starlit skies at a community-wide bonfire, dressing up in whimsical costumes for a themed party, or enjoying a medley of music and art at a vibrant festival. These communities embrace celebration as a means to connect, create memories, and celebrate life to the fullest!

Here’ are 10 of the most popular, intentional communities from around the world:

  1. Twin Oaks Community (Virginia, USA): An eco-village known for its focus on sustainability, egalitarian living, and cooperative work.
  2. Findhorn Ecovillage (Moray, Scotland): A pioneering community dedicated to ecological living, sustainable practices, and spiritual exploration.
  3. Auroville (Tamil Nadu, India): An experimental township founded on the principles of human unity, sustainable living, and spiritual development.
  4. The Farm (Tennessee, USA): One of the oldest intentional communities, known for its commitment to nonviolence, organic farming, and holistic health.
  5. Damanhur (Piedmont, Italy): A unique community focused on spiritual and artistic exploration, with underground temples and a deep connection to nature.
  6. Christiania (Copenhagen, Denmark): A self-proclaimed autonomous neighborhood with a bohemian atmosphere, known for its alternative lifestyle, art, and community-driven governance.
  7. Earthaven Ecovillage (North Carolina, USA): A permaculture-based community dedicated to sustainability, regenerative agriculture, and environmental education.
  8. Tamera Peace Research Center (Alentejo, Portugal): A community dedicated to peace research, ecological sustainability, and the exploration of alternative models of social and political organization.
  9. The Sirius Community (Massachusetts, USA): A spiritual community focused on personal growth, holistic health, and sustainable living, with a strong emphasis on artistic expression.
  10. Nimbin Aquarius Village (New South Wales, Australia): A vibrant intentional community known for its countercultural roots, eco-activism, and alternative lifestyle.

Each of these communities offers a unique blend of values, lifestyles, and visions for intentional living. Exploring their philosophies and approaches can be a fascinating journey into the diverse world of intentional communities. To learn more visit The Foundation for Intentional Community – About FIC